Black bean salad with grilled halloumi


Hmmm… I’m still enjoying the last seconds of joy after my late lunch. This is definitely worth waiting until 3pm when I finish with work and then take some time for myself and dedicate it to making a fine meal. As usual, the drawers and cupboards are my inspiration!

Some time ago I bought a can of organic black beans. So this is it today! I washed and drained them and added fresh cucumber, tomatoes, and lots of parsley to make a nice, tabouleh kind of salad with it. You enjoy it either like this, use it as a side, or add some topping as I did with the halloumi, one of my favourite cheeses which is originates from Greece and is normally grilled. The chewy, salty halloumi balanced perfectly with the fresh salad, so never grill to much of it (a third or half by person is quite enough).

Mmmmmhhh, I must say – I really enjoyed this, and it’s not only pretty and quick but also delicious! Hope you like it too!

blackbean halloumi salad

What you need…
(for 1 portion, or maybe a bit more…)

  • 1 can of organic black beans (washed and drained)
  • half of a cucumber
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 yellow pepper
  • a bunch of fresh parsely
  • 1 spring onion
  • sea salt, fresh pepper, ground cumin
  • juice of 1 lemon & olive oil
  • half of a halloumi

What to do….

Chop all veg in small pieces (I like it when everything is about the size of the beans). Slice the halloumi and fry it in a griddle or normal pan until nice and golden (sometimes you have to get rid of a bit of water coming out of the cheese). Put all the veggies in a bowl and dress with olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper and ground cumin. Serve on a plate and put the grilled halloumi on top.

Bon appetit 🙂

4 responses »

  1. Pingback: Blackbean salad variation: Wholemeal wrap with goat cheese « *sunshine*love*food*

  2. Pingback: Slow Cooker Black Beans | The Balanced Soul

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