Monthly Archives: May 2012

6 weeks detox nearly done, a review and about the lovely exceptions in life.


The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Especially if it's healthy ;-)In two days, on Wednesday, my six week anti candida detox is coming to an end. Six weeks without alcohol, no sugar, no white flour no yeast. How did it go? Am I still the same? Did my partner leave me? Don’t worry, it went all quite well 😉

Two weeks ago two very dear friend of ours got married. So what to do? After consulting my holistic doctor Lidia, from Angka Cafe & Green Clinic and Michelle, my dear yoga teacher who went through the same a couple of years ago, I could stop worrying. There are always exceptions in life. Even on a detox. How relieving was that?! It’s funny to observe how strict you get about yourself when you start doing this stuff. Me, the one who thought “you must seriously be kidding me?!” when I heard about 6 weeks without alcohol in the first moment! I got so into it that I really thought there is no exception, but thank god there always is and it made me feel much more relaxed about the whole detox thing. Another lesson learnt: RELAX 🙂

So it came that for the first time in four weeks from a Friday to a Sunday morning I was on an “exception” weekend and just enjoyed the wedding with our lovely friends and some delicious food and drinks. Back to Malta I directly went back to the detox track knowing the next exception weekend would come up one week later, another great wedding in Austria. But again, after being good for the whole week it gave me the chance to enjoy myself from Friday evening to Sunday morning only to find out afterwards that it felt great. Both, enjoying the weekend as something special but also coming back to my healthy routine, green smoothies and my tasty, alkalizing dishes.

So in two days my six weeks, including two exception weekends will be over. But what then? Will I go back to normal? Will I go out and get drunk? And will I go bananas at Mc Donald’s? Well, yes and no. On the one hand I am really looking forward not having to analyze everything. For me as a super foodie it was really hard to go out with friends, reading the lovely menus, smelling the pasta and seeing them getting tipsy and funny on yummy wine. On the other hand it was really enriching for me and brought lots of new things into my cupboards and dishes on the table! The ritual of going to the farmer’s market on Saturdays, having the fridge stuffed with healthy veg is just great and I’ll definitely continue that! Watching my diet and keeping an eye on the amount of alkalizing and acidic ingredients is also something which can be easily integrated in my normal diet again so I won’t mess up all the hard work of the last recent weeks. Also the fact that staying away from the alcohol was NO problem at all felt really really good. Phew!! I am no alcoholic! ;-))) So YES, it was a great experience! And YES I learned a lot, and YES I would do it again. Defo!

I hope those posts during my detox inspired you a bit, or at least make you sometimes think about what you eat. Consciousness is half of the success already! And don’t forget, you don’t necessarily need an expensive consultation with a holistic doctor even if I would recommend it. There is plenty of stuff on the web (e.g.,, – just try it and see how you like it.

So for today, probably the last time during my anti candida diet, check out some last photos of my detox dishes and click on the regarding photo to find out more details on preparation.

Look ingforward to blogging “without any restrictions” again soon!!!!
Love, N. xxx