Tag Archives: porridge

Easy peasy oatmeal cookies

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Perfect for lazy cosy mornings in bed 💤 Oat cookies from left over porridge, pimped with a bit of mashed banana and some dark chocolate drops

These oatmeal cookies are so easy to make it’s almost insane. So if you are a porridge lover for breakfast like us, this is perfect for YOU. If not, easy peasy version from scratch also included below.

How to make them..

Make some extra or use left over porridge (find the recipe for my home made muesli mix here), add some mashed banana and raisins for binding and extra sweetness and bake until sides get golden. If you like you can also add some chocolate drops for some extra indulgent (I used dairy free organic ones, they were a bit bitter so next time I’ll skip them).

If you DON’T have any porridge leftover just mash 2 bananas and mix with 1 cup of porridge oats and some raisins (plus extras of your choice like cinnamon, chocolate, vanilla etc). These become more hearty, with more bite than the ones made with leftover porridge (cause they are moister) and I actually like them a bit better!

To make them use a table spoon to get even amounts of porridge on a baking tray lined with parchment paper/ a silicone mat, flatten them out a bit and put them in a preheated oven.

The baking time is quite depending on the consistency of your porridge and your oven. The simple version with dry porridge oats only took 15min on 185°C, the ones with leftover porridge (which also had apple pieces) took almost 40min as I had apple chunks in there as well so they were wetter and needed a bit longer. So it’s better to have a little look inside and tap on the cookie to check the consistency – at least for the first time 🙂

Have a cosy eve y’all! I think for me it’s time to make some leftover porridge cookies now 😉
Love, N xx